Get up to speed with Ivy with a quick, general introduction of its features and capabilities!
⚠️ If you are running this notebook in Colab, you will have to install Ivy
and some extra packages manually. You can do so by running the cell below ⬇️
If you want to run the notebook locally but don’t have Ivy installed just yet, you can check out the Setting Up section of the docs.
!pip install ivy
!pip install kornia
!pip install timm
!pip install pyvis
Requirement already satisfied: ivy in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (
Requirement already satisfied: astor in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from ivy) (0.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: cryptography>=40.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from ivy) (43.0.3)
Requirement already satisfied: dill in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from ivy) (0.3.9)
Requirement already satisfied: einops in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from ivy) (0.8.0)
Requirement already satisfied: gast in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from ivy) (0.6.0)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from ivy) (1.26.4)
Requirement already satisfied: packaging in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from ivy) (24.1)
Requirement already satisfied: psutil in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from ivy) (5.9.5)
Requirement already satisfied: requests in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from ivy) (2.32.3)
Requirement already satisfied: ruff in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from ivy) (0.7.1)
Requirement already satisfied: tqdm in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from ivy) (4.66.5)
Requirement already satisfied: cffi>=1.12 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from cryptography>=40.0.0->ivy) (1.17.1)
Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer<4,>=2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests->ivy) (3.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests->ivy) (3.10)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<3,>=1.21.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests->ivy) (2.2.3)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests->ivy) (2024.8.30)
Requirement already satisfied: pycparser in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from cffi>=1.12->cryptography>=40.0.0->ivy) (2.22)
Requirement already satisfied: kornia in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (0.7.3)
Requirement already satisfied: kornia-rs>=0.1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from kornia) (0.1.5)
Requirement already satisfied: packaging in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from kornia) (24.1)
Requirement already satisfied: torch>=1.9.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from kornia) (2.5.0+cu121)
Requirement already satisfied: filelock in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from torch>=1.9.1->kornia) (3.16.1)
Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions>=4.8.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from torch>=1.9.1->kornia) (4.12.2)
Requirement already satisfied: networkx in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from torch>=1.9.1->kornia) (3.4.2)
Requirement already satisfied: jinja2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from torch>=1.9.1->kornia) (3.1.4)
Requirement already satisfied: fsspec in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from torch>=1.9.1->kornia) (2024.6.1)
Requirement already satisfied: sympy==1.13.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from torch>=1.9.1->kornia) (1.13.1)
Requirement already satisfied: mpmath<1.4,>=1.1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from sympy==1.13.1->torch>=1.9.1->kornia) (1.3.0)
Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from jinja2->torch>=1.9.1->kornia) (3.0.2)
Requirement already satisfied: timm in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (1.0.11)
Requirement already satisfied: torch in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from timm) (2.5.0+cu121)
Requirement already satisfied: torchvision in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from timm) (0.20.0+cu121)
Requirement already satisfied: pyyaml in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from timm) (6.0.2)
Requirement already satisfied: huggingface_hub in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from timm) (0.24.7)
Requirement already satisfied: safetensors in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from timm) (0.4.5)
Requirement already satisfied: filelock in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from huggingface_hub->timm) (3.16.1)
Requirement already satisfied: fsspec>=2023.5.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from huggingface_hub->timm) (2024.6.1)
Requirement already satisfied: packaging>=20.9 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from huggingface_hub->timm) (24.1)
Requirement already satisfied: requests in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from huggingface_hub->timm) (2.32.3)
Requirement already satisfied: tqdm>=4.42.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from huggingface_hub->timm) (4.66.5)
Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions>= in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from huggingface_hub->timm) (4.12.2)
Requirement already satisfied: networkx in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from torch->timm) (3.4.2)
Requirement already satisfied: jinja2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from torch->timm) (3.1.4)
Requirement already satisfied: sympy==1.13.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from torch->timm) (1.13.1)
Requirement already satisfied: mpmath<1.4,>=1.1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from sympy==1.13.1->torch->timm) (1.3.0)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from torchvision->timm) (1.26.4)
Requirement already satisfied: pillow!=8.3.*,>=5.3.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from torchvision->timm) (10.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from jinja2->torch->timm) (3.0.2)
Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer<4,>=2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests->huggingface_hub->timm) (3.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests->huggingface_hub->timm) (3.10)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<3,>=1.21.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests->huggingface_hub->timm) (2.2.3)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests->huggingface_hub->timm) (2024.8.30)
Requirement already satisfied: pyvis in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (0.3.2)
Requirement already satisfied: ipython>=5.3.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pyvis) (7.34.0)
Requirement already satisfied: jinja2>=2.9.6 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pyvis) (3.1.4)
Requirement already satisfied: jsonpickle>=1.4.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pyvis) (3.3.0)
Requirement already satisfied: networkx>=1.11 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pyvis) (3.4.2)
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools>=18.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from ipython>=5.3.0->pyvis) (75.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: jedi>=0.16 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from ipython>=5.3.0->pyvis) (0.19.1)
Requirement already satisfied: decorator in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from ipython>=5.3.0->pyvis) (4.4.2)
Requirement already satisfied: pickleshare in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from ipython>=5.3.0->pyvis) (0.7.5)
Requirement already satisfied: traitlets>=4.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from ipython>=5.3.0->pyvis) (5.7.1)
Requirement already satisfied: prompt-toolkit!=3.0.0,!=3.0.1,<3.1.0,>=2.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from ipython>=5.3.0->pyvis) (3.0.48)
Requirement already satisfied: pygments in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from ipython>=5.3.0->pyvis) (2.18.0)
Requirement already satisfied: backcall in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from ipython>=5.3.0->pyvis) (0.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: matplotlib-inline in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from ipython>=5.3.0->pyvis) (0.1.7)
Requirement already satisfied: pexpect>4.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from ipython>=5.3.0->pyvis) (4.9.0)
Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from jinja2>=2.9.6->pyvis) (3.0.2)
Requirement already satisfied: parso<0.9.0,>=0.8.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from jedi>=0.16->ipython>=5.3.0->pyvis) (0.8.4)
Requirement already satisfied: ptyprocess>=0.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pexpect>4.3->ipython>=5.3.0->pyvis) (0.7.0)
Requirement already satisfied: wcwidth in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from prompt-toolkit!=3.0.0,!=3.0.1,<3.1.0,>=2.0.0->ipython>=5.3.0->pyvis) (0.2.13)
In this notebook we’ll go over the basic aspects of Ivy to integrate code from any framework into your existing code, tools, or infrastructure!
Let’s import Ivy and get started!
import ivy
Get familiar with Ivy#
Ivy supports multiple frameworks like PyTorch
, TensorFlow
, Jax
, NumPy
etc. as different backends. To change the backend, we simply have to call ivy.set_backend()
and pass the framework we want to use as a string, for example:
<module 'ivy.functional.backends.torch' from '/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/ivy/functional/backends/torch/__init__.py'>
Now let’s take a look at the data structures of Ivy. The main one is ivy.Array
, which is an abstraction of the array
class of the backends with extra functionalities. You can also access the corresponding class directly through ivy.NativeArray
There is also another structure called the ivy.Container
, which is a subclass of dict that is optimized for recursive operations.
x = ivy.array([1, 2, 3])
x = ivy.native_array([1, 2, 3])
<class 'ivy.data_classes.array.array.Array'>
<class 'torch.Tensor'>
Functional API#
In a similar manner, Ivy’s functional API wraps the functional API of the backends, and therefore uses native operations under the hood. Let’s see an example of this.
x1, x2 = ivy.array([[1], [2], [3]]), ivy.array([[1, 2, 3]])
output = ivy.matmul(x1, x2)
x1, x2 = ivy.array([[1], [2], [3]]), ivy.array([[1, 2, 3]])
output = ivy.matmul(x1, x2)
x1, x2 = ivy.array([[1], [2], [3]]), ivy.array([[1, 2, 3]])
output = ivy.matmul(x1, x2)
<class 'jaxlib.xla_extension.ArrayImpl'>
<class 'tensorflow.python.framework.ops.EagerTensor'>
<class 'torch.Tensor'>
As expected, calling ivy.matmul
with different backends performs the corresponding operation in each one of the frameworks.
Tracing code#
Due to the wrapping Ivy performs on top of native functions, there is a slight performance overhead introduced with each function call. To address this, we can use Ivy’s graph tracer.
The purpose of the Graph Tracer is to extract a fully functional, efficient graph composed only of functions from the corresponding functional APIs of the underlying framework (backend).
On top of using the Graph Tracer to remove the overhead introduced by Ivy, it can also be used with functions and modules written in any framework. In this case, the GC will decompose any high-level API into a fully-functional graph of functions from said framework.
As an example, let’s write a simple normalize
function using Ivy:
def normalize(x):
mean = ivy.mean(x)
std = ivy.std(x)
return ivy.divide(ivy.subtract(x, mean), std)
To trace this function, simply call ivy.trace_graph()
. To specify the underlying framework, you can pass the name of the framework as an argument using to
. Otherwise, the current backend will be used by default.
import torch
x0 = torch.tensor([1., 2., 3.])
normalize_traced = ivy.trace_graph(normalize, to="torch", args=(x0,))
This results in the following graph (Note if the graph is not properly displayed in the notebook, feel free to visualize the graph.html
file generated in the current directory in a browser):
from IPython.display import HTML
normalize_traced.show(fname="graph.html", notebook=True)
As anticipated, the traced function, which uses native torch
operations directly, is faster than the original function:
15.6 ms ± 3.07 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
99.2 µs ± 22.6 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)
Additionally, we can set the backend_compile
arg to True
to apply the (native) target framework compilation function to Ivy’s traced graph, making the resulting function even more efficient.
normalize_native_comp = ivy.trace_graph(normalize, backend_compile=True, to="torch", args=(x0,))
No CUDA runtime is found, using CUDA_HOME='/usr/local/cuda'
280 µs ± 124 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)
In the example above, we traced the function eagerly, which means that the compilation process happened immediately, as we have passed the arguments for tracing. However, if we don’t pass any arguments to the trace_graph
function, compilation will occur lazily, and the graph will be built only when we call the compiled function for the first time. To summarize:
import torch
x1 = torch.tensor([1., 2., 3.])
# Arguments are available -> tracing happens eagerly
eager_graph = ivy.trace_graph(normalize, to="torch", args=(x1,))
# eager_graph is now torch code and runs efficiently
ret = eager_graph(x1)
# Arguments are not available -> tracing happens lazily
lazy_graph = ivy.trace_graph(normalize, to="torch")
# The traced graph is initialized, tracing will happen here
ret = lazy_graph(x1)
# lazy_graph is now torch code and runs efficiently
ret = lazy_graph(x1)
Ivy as a Transpiler#
We have just learned how to use the graph tracer to trace a piece of code into an efficient graph composed of the backend framework. To allow for speed-of-thought research and development, Ivy also allows you to use any code directly into your project, regardless of the framework it was written in. No matter what ML code you want to use, Ivy’s Transpiler is the tool for the job 🛠️
Any function#
Let’s start by transpiling a very simple torch
import torch
def normalize(x):
mean = torch.mean(x)
std = torch.std(x)
return torch.div(torch.sub(x, mean), std)
jax_normalize = ivy.transpile(normalize, source="torch", target="jax")
Transpilation of normalize complete.
Contrary to trace_graph
, the transpile
function will transpile eagerly (unless a module is passed) without requiring any arguments to be passed. In this particular example, transpilation is being performed eagerly, even though we haven’t passed any arguments or keyword arguments to ivy.transpile
. The transpiled code will be available in the ivy_transpiled_outputs
folder in the current directory by default. This output directory can also be controlled by passing the output_dir
keyword argument to ivy.transpile
import jax
key = jax.random.PRNGKey(42)
jax.config.update('jax_enable_x64', True)
x = jax.random.uniform(key, shape=(10,))
jax_out = jax_normalize(x)
print(jax_out, type(jax_out))
[-0.93968587 0.26075466 -0.22723222 -1.06276492 -0.47426987 1.72835908
1.71737559 -0.50411096 -0.65419174 0.15576624] <class 'jaxlib.xla_extension.ArrayImpl'>
That’s pretty much it! You can now use any function you need in your projects regardless of the framework you’re using 🚀
However, transpiling functions one by one is far from ideal. But don’t worry, with transpile
, you can transpile entire libraries at once and easily bring them into your projects. Let’s see how this works by transpiling kornia
, a widely-used computer vision library written in torch
Any library#
import kornia
import requests
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
Let’s get the transpiled library by calling transpile
jax_kornia = ivy.transpile(kornia, source="torch", target="jax")
Note however that when passing a module/library such as kornia
to transpile
, it will perform lazy transpilation of the entire library. It won’t be until you have actually called a function/class from this transpiled jax_kornia
when that function/class is eagerly transpiled and made available for usage.
Let’s go over an example to see what this means. Let’s get a sample image and preprocess so that it has the format kornia expects
url = "http://images.cocodataset.org/train2017/000000000034.jpg"
raw_img = Image.open(requests.get(url, stream=True).raw)
img = jnp.transpose(jnp.array(raw_img), (2, 0, 1))
img = jnp.expand_dims(img, 0) / 255

And we can call any function from kornia in jax
, as simple as that!
out = jax_kornia.enhance.sharpness(img, 10)
Transpilation of sharpness complete.
Finally, let’s see if the transformation has been applied correctly:
np_image = np.uint8(np.array(out[0])*255)
display(Image.fromarray(np.transpose(np_image, (1, 2, 0))))

It’s worth noting that every operation in the transpiled functions is performed natively in the target framework, which means that gradients can be tracked and the resulting functions are fully differentiable. Even after transpilation, you can still take advantage of the powerful features of your chosen framework.
While transpiling functions and libraries is useful, trainable modules play a critical role in ML and DL. The good news is that Ivy makes it just as easy to transpile modules and models from one framework to another with just one line of code.
Any model#
For the purpose of this demonstration, let’s define a very basic CNN block using pytorch
%%writefile pytorch_classifier_example.py
import torch.nn as nn
class Classifier(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(Classifier, self).__init__()
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1, out_channels=10, kernel_size=3)
self.relu = nn.ReLU()
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(10 * 26 * 26, 10)
self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=1)
def forward(self, x):
x = self.conv1(x)
x = self.relu(x)
x = x.view(x.size(0), -1)
x = self.fc1(x)
x = self.softmax(x)
return x
Writing pytorch_classifier_example.py
The model we just defined is a subclass of torch.nn.Module
. Using ivy.transpile
, we can effortlessly convert it into a tf.keras.Model
subclass, for instance. Note that here we are not instantiating the model but actually passing the model definition (class variable) Classifier
directly to the transpile
function which is enough for the transpiler to convert this into the target framework. As with functions, this model will be eagerly transpiled to tensorflow
needing to pass in any input arguments or keyword arguments to transpile
Note: In some cases it is a possibility that the source code of a model defined dynamically such as in a Jupyter Notebook like above is not accessible to the transpiler and it would throw a
source code not available
exception. In such scenarios, we recommend simply defining the model in a separate.py
file and importing it in your main script where you can calltranspile
on the model class. This way, the transpiler will be able to access the source code of the model to transpile. For this demonstration, we will achieve this by using the%%writefile
directive in Jupyter Notebook as seen in the previous cell
from pytorch_classifier_example import Classifier
TensorflowClassifier = ivy.transpile(Classifier, source="torch", target="tensorflow")
Transpilation of Classifier complete.
After transpilation, we can pass a tensorflow
tensor and obtain the expected output. As mentioned previously, all operations are now TensorFlow native functions, making them differentiable. Additionally, Ivy also makes the source code for the transpiled model readily available in your working directory in TensorFlow
import tensorflow as tf
issubclass(TensorflowClassifier, tf.keras.Model)
with tf.device(ivy.default_device(as_native="True")):
input_array = tf.random.uniform((1, 1, 28, 28))
tensorflow_model = TensorflowClassifier()
output_array = tensorflow_model(input_array)
[[0.09153255 0.09393365 0.11840326 0.09457473 0.08881382 0.09985055
0.09611838 0.09817807 0.11475282 0.10384216]], shape=(1, 10), dtype=float32)
While we have only transpiled a simple model for demonstration purposes, we can certainly transpile more complex models as well. Let’s take a model from timm
and see how we can build upon transpiled modules.
import timm
Let’s download the Xception
model from timm
and then pass pretrained=True
to download the pre-trained parameters.
xception = timm.create_model('xception', pretrained=True)
Downloading: "https://github.com/rwightman/pytorch-image-models/releases/download/v0.1-cadene/xception-43020ad28.pth" to /root/.cache/torch/hub/checkpoints/xception-43020ad28.pth
def _wrapped_call_impl(*args, **kwargs)
Xception optimized for the ImageNet dataset, as specified in https://arxiv.org/pdf/1610.02357.pdf
Let’s transpile the model to tensorflow with ivy.transpile
expects a class or a function, but if we want to transpile an instance of type ‘{obj_type}’, in this case an instance of typetimm.models.xception.Xception
, we’ll need to pass the class instead i.e.timm.models.xception.Xception
. For restoring weights, we will be usingivy.sync_models
after instantiating the transpiled class to ensure correct weight transfer.
TfXception = ivy.transpile(type(xception), source="torch", target="tensorflow")
Transpilation of Xception complete.
import urllib
from PIL import Image
from timm.data import resolve_data_config
from timm.data.transforms_factory import create_transform
config = resolve_data_config({}, model=xception)
transform = create_transform(**config)
url, filename = ("https://github.com/pytorch/hub/raw/master/images/dog.jpg", "dog.jpg")
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, filename)
img = Image.open(filename).convert('RGB')
tensor = transform(img).unsqueeze(0) # transform and add batch dimension
Initializing and building the TensorFlow model#
Instantiate the model in TensorFlow
kwargs = {'num_classes': 1000, 'in_chans': 3}
tf_xception = TfXception(**kwargs)
Call the forward pass once in order to build all the layers
import tensorflow as tf
<tf.Tensor: shape=(1, 1000), dtype=float32, numpy=
array([[-4.22755184e-05, 1.42075314e-05, 1.58988969e-05,
-2.32432230e-05, -2.88090951e-06, -2.22377948e-05,
-2.71238241e-05, 2.70060809e-05, -9.80165896e-06,
-1.98187299e-05, -1.20095065e-05, 5.86572241e-06,
3.70310518e-05, -3.68799192e-05, -1.89316324e-05,
1.88813228e-05, 1.06084435e-05, -4.46851527e-06,
-5.17494736e-05, -7.61849242e-06, -1.58902385e-05,
-2.57819993e-05, 2.38571502e-05, -3.15760622e-06,
-2.91142242e-05, 4.53267385e-05, 1.93926462e-05,
2.18675596e-05, -4.93177431e-05, 8.37095831e-06,
1.51016848e-05, 2.05479027e-05, -1.94458080e-05,
8.87603619e-06, -4.79350638e-06, -7.54593316e-07,
2.88015326e-05, -1.59873034e-05, 5.36158332e-05,
2.21644568e-05, -1.93870455e-05, -2.21645969e-05,
-3.14673598e-05, -2.37357126e-05, 1.37528268e-05,
8.26696942e-06, 8.23905430e-06, -4.04126376e-06,
-4.54791698e-05, -3.59835794e-05, -3.91804424e-05,
2.60497181e-05, 6.20841165e-05, 4.67165364e-06,
-1.68019651e-05, -2.71271892e-05, -7.50980234e-06,
1.32131972e-05, 4.63567085e-06, 4.57394526e-06,
3.51456729e-05, 3.63449362e-05, 5.22993687e-05,
-1.12290845e-05, -2.13572221e-05, -3.36402554e-05,
-2.13314815e-05, 1.66737445e-05, 2.52627524e-06,
-5.72147019e-06, -2.50344619e-05, -5.28341570e-06,
1.53219808e-05, -2.33885312e-05, 2.53693033e-05,
4.32307570e-06, -7.55302653e-06, 3.57026438e-05,
-9.81973972e-06, -1.06548350e-05, -9.78598382e-06,
1.81922278e-05, 2.35874759e-05, -5.74125261e-06,
1.02923077e-05, 2.91143351e-05, -2.96296348e-05,
7.15814822e-05, -2.42873602e-06, 1.35935916e-05,
8.99913721e-06, -1.79284234e-05, 4.53422217e-06,
-5.84874906e-05, -5.52299753e-06, -1.51678432e-05,
-4.54159590e-06, -1.74623219e-05, -3.32612908e-05,
3.13830933e-05, 3.92034526e-05, 2.75000566e-05,
-2.26360839e-06, 1.34744123e-05, -1.34203028e-05,
-3.21813350e-05, -6.15908311e-06, 7.98864312e-06,
2.90137814e-05, 5.57152380e-05, -2.61716250e-05,
-4.54216788e-05, 4.47630919e-05, -1.93827400e-05,
3.57818535e-05, -3.11837471e-06, 2.37387649e-05,
-1.90458250e-05, 6.72506440e-06, 5.77929541e-07,
-2.82434157e-05, -1.79839444e-05, -4.03084159e-05,
-2.94080928e-05, -3.09073512e-05, -4.41123047e-05,
-1.24911530e-05, 3.16682126e-05, -1.66683585e-05,
6.43009753e-06, 5.54898979e-05, -6.05939658e-06,
2.74779609e-07, -2.12688701e-05, 2.09694349e-06,
1.51766944e-05, -1.33516187e-05, 2.47232056e-05,
-1.40506727e-05, 2.09562422e-05, 3.55263001e-05,
-1.10166584e-05, -1.37294437e-05, -1.91032832e-05,
-3.03445977e-05, -2.46699601e-05, 9.57804332e-06,
5.75474769e-06, 2.93382727e-05, -4.22832163e-05,
5.25076575e-06, -2.61282348e-05, -1.43624075e-05,
-1.27350113e-05, 1.35436039e-05, -6.22630432e-06,
-5.01011118e-06, -3.96343057e-05, -4.02826990e-05,
-4.53871235e-06, -3.34399447e-05, 1.82099102e-05,
-7.10900167e-06, 9.75082003e-06, 7.01748263e-07,
-1.28950214e-05, 9.19945887e-06, -7.91386083e-06,
1.08386084e-05, -8.17717319e-06, -1.17370055e-05,
6.84746774e-05, -2.10975577e-05, -1.00104180e-05,
4.15352006e-05, 3.49072025e-07, 1.96136425e-05,
-3.99861128e-05, -1.40815928e-05, 1.52727316e-05,
6.38027495e-06, 5.93997083e-06, -3.29815748e-07,
-5.31498990e-05, -1.12699645e-05, 2.76616379e-06,
5.22730079e-05, -1.43066000e-05, -3.45149238e-05,
-2.57908123e-05, -2.55639425e-05, 1.93153919e-05,
1.51880549e-05, -1.00535844e-05, 1.07120040e-05,
4.07472508e-05, 2.63099555e-05, 2.15298242e-05,
2.55860887e-05, -5.94924450e-06, 1.28574914e-06,
-1.42403842e-05, -1.72589753e-05, -1.32658824e-05,
2.90384605e-06, 5.92683955e-06, -3.68030232e-05,
-1.69448663e-06, -7.59524619e-06, -1.83562406e-05,
6.60131336e-05, 1.98724429e-05, -1.97438749e-05,
2.36044684e-06, -1.82457479e-05, -3.71746864e-05,
-4.22133598e-06, -5.74615433e-06, 8.62040088e-06,
3.83646511e-06, 1.65986912e-05, -1.12989965e-05,
6.04373417e-06, -3.15382295e-06, -1.03787652e-05,
-3.10593459e-05, 3.13024175e-05, -1.69296436e-06,
-3.40054467e-05, -2.33090650e-05, 1.61446333e-05,
-3.08949202e-05, -1.34922038e-05, 2.18116402e-05,
2.08761521e-05, 1.89168331e-05, 3.58938341e-05,
-2.32085313e-06, 2.05373108e-05, 2.23972766e-05,
3.02532021e-06, -2.46939053e-05, -6.91925743e-06,
-1.73254848e-05, -3.47550704e-05, 3.24316497e-05,
-2.34658637e-06, -2.82124511e-05, 3.85571184e-05,
-1.00508059e-05, 1.95308603e-05, 2.00424274e-05,
-7.45815669e-06, -3.60275444e-05, -1.47059814e-06,
3.26789450e-05, -1.57446138e-05, 1.12737289e-05,
1.62237245e-06, -5.55993283e-05, -2.33644296e-05,
8.11637346e-06, 3.55543561e-05, 1.43533962e-05,
-5.26246877e-05, -3.95961797e-06, 4.00767294e-06,
2.95060854e-05, 1.21505300e-05, 9.38517951e-06,
3.75168020e-05, -7.37665277e-06, -2.06711811e-05,
4.28618514e-05, -2.59395983e-05, 1.07422238e-05,
-2.31458580e-05, -9.61658316e-07, 1.26833565e-05,
-3.73583571e-05, -2.31228732e-05, -8.65626043e-06,
2.14131323e-05, -3.94054987e-05, -5.19249215e-06,
-8.57593932e-06, -3.27399175e-05, 7.34549212e-06,
4.21386030e-05, 3.05462127e-05, -5.51284757e-06,
3.64046969e-06, -2.76020037e-05, -9.10357994e-06,
5.45754083e-05, -2.17401930e-06, 8.30594581e-06,
1.12471216e-05, 2.53927847e-05, 2.63996953e-05,
-2.85903043e-05, -8.02039904e-06, 1.09364182e-05,
-9.50962567e-06, 5.23075141e-06, -5.61894694e-06,
-1.79144299e-05, -5.00270471e-05, 1.35188266e-05,
-2.20668462e-05, 2.42485403e-05, -1.81163214e-05,
-5.24096322e-09, 2.18520763e-05, 1.18016487e-05,
-1.27426847e-05, 1.51053764e-05, 1.86545640e-05,
8.99766928e-06, 1.11417694e-06, 3.56677447e-05,
2.34811087e-05, -1.65598112e-06, -4.71319217e-05,
7.28222767e-06, 2.68872845e-05, 5.58561351e-06,
-7.54446683e-06, -2.18823857e-06, -1.01271744e-05,
-3.36860976e-05, -4.45616752e-05, 1.86409779e-05,
-1.44363394e-05, 3.24600551e-05, 1.07936303e-05,
3.82459234e-07, 1.52528100e-05, -2.38740395e-05,
-2.16464123e-05, -7.01379213e-06, 3.45417220e-06,
-2.01049647e-06, -3.66015956e-05, -1.19362248e-05,
-2.53052913e-05, 2.34728232e-05, -5.53701284e-06,
-5.66321105e-05, 5.95836264e-06, 2.88193933e-05,
-1.60828567e-05, 4.67236059e-05, -1.70924577e-05,
-1.37782217e-06, 5.20368303e-05, -2.94555230e-05,
-1.87741844e-05, 4.40981385e-05, -1.71998067e-06,
1.09386692e-05, 2.20536531e-05, -3.15996158e-06,
-4.90961356e-05, -6.19636012e-06, -4.76879541e-06,
-1.32745872e-05, 1.08209742e-05, 1.67243397e-05,
-2.13239546e-05, -2.10806702e-05, 2.88194155e-06,
-1.86600300e-05, 2.34608233e-05, -2.66968855e-05,
-8.54374503e-06, 1.80329371e-05, 1.86162870e-05,
-2.11532260e-05, -1.92196294e-05, 1.83596585e-05,
1.02445392e-05, 5.55229090e-05, -2.56348758e-05,
-3.12185221e-05, 2.79511801e-06, 2.79039227e-06,
-2.06342156e-06, -1.38183786e-05, -1.95395751e-05,
9.79626202e-06, -1.56104616e-05, -4.60983711e-06,
7.05438742e-06, 8.02661089e-06, 4.24539439e-06,
1.20520262e-05, 1.84398450e-05, 1.71727461e-05,
8.54013979e-06, 2.72145426e-05, 1.00191874e-05,
-1.99717633e-05, -3.11105987e-06, -8.53216716e-06,
-4.34626554e-06, -1.15166074e-06, 2.71814270e-06,
3.16115729e-05, -1.42350164e-05, 3.14056597e-05,
2.11728129e-05, -3.70197376e-05, 1.66522987e-05,
-6.52746621e-06, -6.54357518e-06, -2.62526555e-05,
4.45378646e-05, 2.48393662e-05, -3.22729029e-05,
-2.13963031e-05, 1.50117357e-05, -2.98993677e-06,
4.27967425e-05, 2.33490682e-05, -8.20714740e-06,
-1.68399583e-05, -1.56350907e-05, 1.35021191e-05,
-2.76405244e-05, 5.90234185e-06, 9.68508812e-06,
4.07787957e-06, 1.68137794e-05, 5.74410660e-06,
9.63071307e-06, -2.61655459e-05, 9.49780406e-06,
2.53713570e-05, 1.12800935e-05, -3.66192180e-05,
1.52429166e-05, 2.54186125e-06, 3.08098097e-05,
-4.81814022e-05, 3.74608426e-05, -2.49021123e-05,
-6.90337984e-05, -2.22380713e-05, 6.27423015e-06,
1.38995119e-05, 5.60769604e-06, 1.70186104e-05,
-2.06874120e-05, 2.28660865e-05, -4.88610840e-06,
-1.86280977e-05, 2.50197954e-05, -1.98043949e-06,
-1.05315576e-05, -1.70730218e-05, -2.87945295e-06,
-8.81196411e-06, -1.54862410e-05, -5.51150197e-06,
4.52620661e-05, -4.24813807e-05, -4.34867034e-05,
-2.98602299e-05, -2.35124080e-05, 1.60918898e-05,
6.87436932e-06, -2.01221269e-06, 2.51563233e-05,
4.44271382e-06, -1.73660137e-05, -3.41783816e-05,
7.81113340e-06, -1.64054363e-05, -9.17579200e-06,
-3.57553508e-05, -1.76061758e-06, 5.83363690e-05,
2.88804295e-05, -5.06369252e-05, -5.44777977e-05,
-1.00392017e-05, 7.00065766e-06, -2.51475303e-05,
5.04135533e-05, -1.22752117e-05, 2.39611127e-05,
1.60349664e-05, 9.22757681e-05, -2.02211231e-05,
-6.29150281e-06, 3.77160677e-06, -1.14349996e-05,
2.19999656e-05, -2.99362891e-05, -1.10922037e-05,
-2.75656694e-05, 7.23747053e-06, 1.74989364e-05,
2.06114291e-05, -4.13839625e-05, 1.47978153e-05,
-1.97691388e-05, -1.50509723e-05, -1.50089836e-05,
1.59422179e-05, 2.83421250e-05, 4.44397847e-05,
-1.73295102e-05, -7.83894666e-06, -1.67853923e-05,
1.16278361e-05, 1.93973774e-05, -1.50001069e-05,
3.43586657e-06, 3.76850367e-05, 2.11699626e-05,
-7.94323114e-06, 4.59375042e-06, 1.44865116e-05,
3.95141615e-06, 4.64693312e-06, -5.93263940e-06,
-1.14713703e-05, -2.21419305e-05, -2.74162358e-05,
-1.80275365e-05, 3.67939392e-05, -4.78432639e-06,
-1.99335391e-05, -3.23343520e-05, -1.53212350e-05,
-3.75822710e-05, -1.28808497e-05, -2.49983586e-05,
-3.09693496e-05, -3.64502412e-05, -2.03452091e-05,
1.15590938e-05, -3.99156015e-05, 4.45448677e-05,
-2.83934751e-05, -2.57038137e-05, -9.30203605e-05,
-1.58197090e-05, 5.01127724e-05, -4.21309887e-05,
9.87308977e-06, -1.83698958e-05, 3.22962387e-06,
6.52619019e-06, -5.15791362e-06, 3.71721144e-05,
2.52258906e-05, -6.84381894e-06, 6.27816644e-06,
-1.23784648e-05, -6.11566247e-06, 2.52136215e-06,
1.17983359e-06, 3.23658969e-05, -1.04366211e-06,
1.83865723e-05, -4.08855476e-06, 1.32753557e-05,
-2.38567045e-05, 4.96325374e-05, 1.79313301e-05,
-3.63895088e-05, 2.46973013e-05, 3.05248977e-05,
-2.56123822e-05, 2.37462427e-05, 9.45668398e-06,
1.55675407e-05, -2.84593698e-05, -2.15385844e-05,
3.50923506e-06, 1.95744688e-05, -1.20059030e-05,
1.28455367e-05, 3.77559154e-05, -5.22633563e-05,
4.47160164e-06, 1.85046156e-06, 3.82554390e-06,
-1.47383389e-05, -1.45602564e-06, 4.03237709e-06,
2.94009396e-06, -3.30089460e-05, 2.27015207e-05,
2.53384292e-06, -7.53224958e-06, 1.57701688e-05,
1.69746932e-06, -2.45397905e-06, 2.74341855e-05,
3.59235382e-05, -1.92862699e-05, -1.32244568e-05,
1.03637103e-05, -6.96883171e-06, -5.45973671e-06,
2.72374218e-05, -5.84639565e-06, 1.53806468e-05,
3.03779598e-05, 3.75133313e-05, -7.79815309e-06,
4.67217833e-05, -3.90329842e-05, 1.34734000e-05,
7.10531685e-06, -3.16833575e-05, -5.12717706e-05,
-7.66121047e-06, -9.74466911e-06, -2.38011762e-05,
-1.85001081e-05, 5.14025123e-06, 4.46551076e-06,
3.23097629e-06, -1.41202117e-05, 1.29842701e-05,
2.45129268e-05, 4.30870241e-05, -6.90452816e-06,
1.23315776e-05, 1.92166244e-05, 4.91104838e-05,
3.13277487e-05, 2.88805822e-05, 4.66210477e-05,
2.47277376e-06, 1.79434519e-05, 6.23339361e-07,
4.25924118e-05, 2.34886884e-05, -1.50423120e-05,
-2.05089545e-05, 2.77289473e-07, 2.64046976e-05,
-7.17408402e-05, 1.16246774e-05, 5.34570472e-06,
3.23709037e-06, 2.22118751e-06, 2.20319689e-05,
1.30971712e-05, -7.75916560e-05, -1.28474303e-05,
3.16408614e-06, 3.52938332e-05, 4.40186250e-06,
2.29181387e-05, 1.22995766e-06, 4.88861224e-06,
3.63656509e-05, 1.21945395e-05, 1.21989160e-07,
-1.32836540e-05, -8.93577817e-06, 6.96363850e-06,
-1.08754703e-05, 2.87759394e-05, 1.32703690e-05,
-8.56165025e-06, 2.46960622e-06, 6.58008321e-06,
3.78605691e-05, -6.59295529e-06, -1.56734168e-05,
3.23566337e-06, -2.22920698e-05, 4.05710234e-05,
-7.55385418e-06, 4.20482611e-05, 6.76697664e-06,
1.46745042e-05, 2.37552867e-05, -3.63882209e-05,
-1.19655397e-06, 1.12200014e-05, 4.28613293e-06,
1.02123595e-05, 2.34623440e-06, 1.17628606e-05,
-4.93750122e-05, -1.39903850e-05, -1.94607874e-05,
1.38046307e-05, 5.66226590e-05, -7.86233431e-06,
2.64857936e-05, -1.16341898e-05, -1.89269995e-05,
-4.80192648e-06, -1.63296045e-06, 5.28613637e-05,
3.64209632e-06, 2.15201217e-05, 3.09400239e-05,
2.50538710e-06, -1.64114190e-05, -1.67967810e-05,
-6.01767642e-05, 2.95409245e-05, 1.24998996e-05,
-9.48243360e-06, -1.09958610e-05, -3.06784714e-05,
-1.05578474e-05, -1.05715981e-05, -4.20393153e-05,
2.15880918e-05, -4.10275643e-05, 4.72496067e-05,
-6.78039851e-06, 1.54230274e-05, -3.30130497e-05,
-4.51022461e-05, -3.00608608e-05, 6.56790726e-05,
-2.44263720e-05, 5.06179895e-05, 1.24884882e-05,
1.66942118e-05, -3.92023867e-05, -2.25668305e-06,
-1.02829972e-05, -4.12646405e-05, 3.05880712e-05,
2.23990742e-06, -2.53588332e-05, -4.28921776e-05,
-2.21008431e-05, -4.16034600e-05, -1.08191116e-05,
1.11137724e-05, 5.55538754e-05, 3.28979295e-05,
-3.61187667e-05, -3.27747075e-05, 5.86051556e-07,
4.53766734e-06, 3.04401442e-06, -3.77249744e-05,
-2.39102319e-05, -5.33367456e-05, -2.02238843e-05,
-5.03743740e-06, 3.40855258e-05, -4.45827709e-06,
1.05441886e-05, -1.80679053e-05, 8.24094695e-06,
-1.21796234e-06, 8.21327376e-06, 1.05756044e-06,
-4.13485486e-06, -1.73169410e-05, -1.87601599e-05,
4.46580343e-05, -1.68897859e-05, -1.45819004e-05,
-2.91112137e-05, -2.17631132e-05, -2.44717394e-05,
2.76226765e-05, -4.38533316e-05, -2.08080601e-05,
4.21553996e-05, -1.61345979e-05, 2.05925535e-05,
4.29884585e-06, -1.17747568e-05, -4.11998444e-05,
-6.47944944e-06, 3.59454873e-07, 1.05422523e-05,
1.81214964e-05, 1.56880978e-05, -7.90695049e-06,
-1.40444445e-06, -1.58560179e-05, 2.87692674e-05,
1.53881356e-05, -3.28254027e-05, 2.03370255e-05,
-8.94515870e-06, 1.19948554e-05, 1.54786867e-05,
1.29567179e-05, -2.29006564e-05, 3.47084267e-07,
-1.15217845e-05, 8.96383790e-06, 9.67412325e-06,
8.80343032e-06, -3.78341210e-05, -7.68180325e-06,
-1.92454481e-05, 3.62830651e-05, 3.67147950e-05,
1.99988390e-05, -1.32594751e-05, -4.85554046e-05,
-3.29718023e-05, 1.25930992e-05, -3.77187753e-05,
1.45235263e-05, 2.39781075e-05, 1.38739551e-05,
1.95226057e-05, 4.06614017e-05, -2.71706213e-05,
2.81099365e-05, -3.69653717e-05, -1.33330559e-05,
8.41970814e-06, 6.09279596e-06, -9.43604300e-06,
7.96594577e-06, -2.85497608e-05, -5.99353953e-05,
-2.63938418e-05, 6.53512234e-06, 1.84415258e-05,
-2.12896357e-05, 2.05220249e-06, -1.21635958e-05,
2.03788295e-05, 4.82996220e-05, 5.99380598e-07,
-5.32609965e-06, -1.64795638e-05, -3.62492283e-05,
1.61779935e-05, 3.00205029e-05, -4.10060893e-05,
2.71350882e-06, 3.60464037e-05, -5.19210116e-05,
-7.50489926e-06, 5.67011630e-05, -2.64338250e-05,
1.02145896e-05, 3.02252683e-05, 1.35600585e-05,
1.63040895e-05, 5.48878870e-06, -5.40858673e-06,
4.56573343e-06, 7.28327905e-08, -2.78810403e-05,
-3.00735846e-05, 1.91232848e-05, 1.25235474e-05,
3.77394172e-05, 7.77516743e-06, 1.62570595e-05,
1.83893535e-05, -3.25159017e-05, -1.88429312e-05,
-4.14833848e-05, -2.06115219e-05, -1.82702479e-05,
1.51946051e-05, 1.81360574e-05, -3.48343929e-05,
1.70917810e-05, -8.92917114e-07, 5.52072779e-05,
9.07423782e-06, 1.47564560e-05, 2.44231724e-05,
1.54915178e-05, -4.29754873e-05, 2.05323449e-05,
-8.63192599e-06, -6.28259340e-06, 2.04990811e-05,
2.13425847e-05, 3.21450607e-05, 5.25256110e-06,
4.49345644e-05, 1.49804500e-05, 3.93775736e-05,
-1.65188783e-06, 3.11517724e-05, 1.20013283e-05,
5.75788772e-06, -4.45174737e-05, 1.59291558e-05,
1.03563452e-05, -1.62506876e-06, 3.12565899e-05,
-5.93989489e-06, -1.57481409e-05, -2.10292546e-05,
-2.42784336e-05, 1.56243959e-06, -7.57462522e-06,
-3.86927095e-05, 9.74873728e-06, 5.06456445e-06,
-1.42188001e-05, -2.19294452e-05, 2.18714995e-05,
1.09277462e-05, -3.73069815e-05, -1.54704867e-05,
-4.35359607e-06, 1.10625833e-05, -1.71246256e-06,
-3.63676827e-06, -4.81476400e-06, 3.52687384e-05,
-2.33862738e-05, 1.92213975e-05, -7.45649504e-06,
-1.37068037e-05, -2.10829767e-05, 1.18823309e-05,
3.12252196e-05, 4.24370373e-05, -4.36065056e-05,
-4.92032223e-06, 5.26032727e-06, 2.59225126e-05,
-2.21148675e-05, -1.33171679e-05, -4.01533798e-05,
-1.18374246e-05, -2.38013172e-06, -5.63947651e-06,
2.11903262e-06, -1.37917277e-05, -4.38593997e-05,
-1.97551271e-05, 2.14356478e-05, -2.25195508e-05,
-5.40807996e-05, -1.82117728e-05, 7.25985819e-06,
1.83092343e-05, 6.19717093e-06, -8.00307862e-06,
-1.47603405e-05, -2.25457043e-05, 4.36048595e-06,
-6.08793334e-06, 2.50178819e-05, -1.29040927e-05,
-1.67083454e-05, -3.65851861e-07, 2.26422671e-05,
5.42250382e-06, 1.40924712e-05, 8.49811113e-06,
2.97447677e-05, 2.11639999e-05, -1.92428633e-05,
1.49038415e-05, 4.31870976e-05, -4.21867080e-05,
4.77388930e-05, -2.78794541e-05, -1.29277259e-05,
4.90754210e-05, 3.13431956e-05, -4.85764722e-05,
-3.80949423e-05, 3.00477877e-05, -2.61748391e-06,
-3.03840807e-05, -2.12695813e-05, -2.75898310e-06,
9.36092692e-06, -1.56920432e-05, 6.16171110e-06,
-7.20042544e-06, 2.03064701e-05, -3.96528958e-05,
2.58367509e-05, 3.12917064e-06, -1.37680163e-05,
-3.01163891e-05, -2.82695655e-05, -1.67298440e-05,
-2.22081635e-05, -2.16628487e-05, 1.34730562e-05,
-4.41967568e-05]], dtype=float32)>
TensorFlow (Keras) Model specific attributes and methods are all still accessible on the transpiled model:
(skip): KerasConv2D()
(skipbn): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(rep): tensorflow_Sequential(
(0): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(1): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(2): tensorflow_ReLU()
(3): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(4): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(5): tensorflow_MaxPool2d()
(skip): KerasConv2D()
(skipbn): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(rep): tensorflow_Sequential(
(0): tensorflow_ReLU()
(1): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(2): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(3): tensorflow_ReLU()
(4): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(5): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(6): tensorflow_MaxPool2d()
(skip): KerasConv2D()
(skipbn): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(rep): tensorflow_Sequential(
(0): tensorflow_ReLU()
(1): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(2): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(3): tensorflow_ReLU()
(4): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(5): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(6): tensorflow_MaxPool2d()
(rep): tensorflow_Sequential(
(0): tensorflow_ReLU()
(1): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(2): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(3): tensorflow_ReLU()
(4): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(5): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(6): tensorflow_ReLU()
(7): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(8): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(rep): tensorflow_Sequential(
(0): tensorflow_ReLU()
(1): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(2): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(3): tensorflow_ReLU()
(4): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(5): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(6): tensorflow_ReLU()
(7): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(8): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(rep): tensorflow_Sequential(
(0): tensorflow_ReLU()
(1): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(2): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(3): tensorflow_ReLU()
(4): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(5): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(6): tensorflow_ReLU()
(7): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(8): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(rep): tensorflow_Sequential(
(0): tensorflow_ReLU()
(1): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(2): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(3): tensorflow_ReLU()
(4): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(5): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(6): tensorflow_ReLU()
(7): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(8): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(rep): tensorflow_Sequential(
(0): tensorflow_ReLU()
(1): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(2): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(3): tensorflow_ReLU()
(4): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(5): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(6): tensorflow_ReLU()
(7): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(8): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(rep): tensorflow_Sequential(
(0): tensorflow_ReLU()
(1): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(2): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(3): tensorflow_ReLU()
(4): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(5): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(6): tensorflow_ReLU()
(7): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(8): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(rep): tensorflow_Sequential(
(0): tensorflow_ReLU()
(1): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(2): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(3): tensorflow_ReLU()
(4): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(5): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(6): tensorflow_ReLU()
(7): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(8): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(rep): tensorflow_Sequential(
(0): tensorflow_ReLU()
(1): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(2): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(3): tensorflow_ReLU()
(4): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(5): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(6): tensorflow_ReLU()
(7): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(8): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(skip): KerasConv2D()
(skipbn): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(rep): tensorflow_Sequential(
(0): tensorflow_ReLU()
(1): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(2): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(3): tensorflow_ReLU()
(4): tensorflow_SeparableConv2d(
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(5): KerasBatchNorm2D()
(6): tensorflow_MaxPool2d()
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
(conv1): KerasDepthWiseConv2D()
(pointwise): KerasConv2D()
tensorflow_SelectAdaptivePool2d(pool_type=avg, flatten=tensorflow_Flatten()),
Let’s sync the weights of both the source and the transpiled model to do a 1-to-1 comparison of the two models and validate that they are functionally equal:
import ivy
ivy.sync_models(xception, tf_xception)
All parameters and buffers are now synced!
Comparing the results#
Let’s now try predicting the logits of the same input with the transpiled model
To compare the logits produced by the original and transpiled models at a more granular level, let’s try an allclose
import numpy as np
logits = xception(tensor)
logits_np = logits.detach().numpy()
logits_transpiled = tf_xception(tf.convert_to_tensor(tensor.numpy()), training=False)
logits_transpiled_np = logits_transpiled.numpy()
np.allclose(logits_np, logits_transpiled_np, atol=1e-4)
And now let’s build a model on top of our pretrained xception_model in Keras!
import tensorflow as tf
# Define the custom model class
class CustomXceptionModel(tf.keras.Model):
def __init__(self, xception_model, num_classes=10):
super(CustomXceptionModel, self).__init__()
# Use selected layers and blocks from the transpiled Xception model
self.conv1 = xception_model.conv1
self.bn1 = xception_model.bn1
self.act1 = xception_model.act1
self.conv2 = xception_model.conv2
self.bn2 = xception_model.bn2
self.act2 = xception_model.act2
# Select blocks
self.block1 = xception_model.block1
self.block2 = xception_model.block2
self.block3 = xception_model.block3
# Custom classification head
self.global_pool = tf.keras.layers.GlobalAveragePooling2D()
self.fc = tf.keras.layers.Dense(num_classes, activation='softmax')
def call(self, inputs):
# Initial convolution and activation layers
x = self.conv1(inputs)
x = self.bn1(x)
x = self.act1(x)
x = self.conv2(x)
x = self.bn2(x)
x = self.act2(x)
# Pass through selected blocks
x = self.block1(x)
x = self.block2(x)
x = self.block3(x)
# Custom head for classification
x = self.global_pool(x)
x = self.fc(x)
return x
# Instantiate the custom model
custom_xception_model = CustomXceptionModel(tf_xception, num_classes=10)
# Test the model with a sample input
input_tensor = tf.random.normal([1, 299, 299, 3])
output = custom_xception_model(input_tensor)
print("Output shape:", output.shape)
print("Output type:", type(output))
Output shape: (1, 10)
Output type: <class 'tensorflow.python.framework.ops.EagerTensor'>
As the tf_xception
model now consists of tensorflow
functions, we can extend the transpiled modules as much as we want, leveraging existing weights and the tools and infrastructure of all frameworks 🚀
Round Up#
That’s about it! You are now prepared to start using Ivy on your own! However, there are still plenty of useful resources to explore. If you want to delve deeper into Ivy’s features and learn how to use them, you can visit the Examples and Demos page and go through the notebooks 📚